Brian Keane, Chief Executive of Harlow Council, said:
“I have been informed by Councillor Andrew Johnson that he has stepped down as Leader of the Council and Leader of the Conservative Group. Andrew will continue to serve as a councillor for the Church Langley Ward.
“I would like to place on record my thanks to Andrew for his commitment and service to the town while Leader of the Conservative Group. Andrew has lead the group for more than 20 years and during that time he has held various political leadership roles at the council, including being the Leader of Harlow Council twice, the Leader of the Opposition and he was one of the first councillors to serve as a Joint Leader of Harlow Council back in 2002.
“The council will now need to appoint a new Leader of the Council. This appointment will be made at a future Full Council meeting. In the meantime the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joel Charles, will cover the council leader’s work and duties and chair the next meeting of Cabinet on 14 October 2021.”