In an open letter sent to the local press Councillor Russell Perrin said:
LAST week, we delivered the biggest Council Tax cut ever in UK history meaning a £205 Harlow Council Tax cut from your bill this year.
That’s a £55 Council Tax cut from Conservative-run Harlow Council and a £150 Council Tax cut from the Conservative Government.
We promised to do it. We’ve delivered it. And we’re investing hundreds of millions into regenerating our town.
This has been done with no cuts to services, no job losses and no privatisation. In fact, we are investing more in every Council service to improve them for you.
We’ve delivered our promise and now we’re getting on with the job of restoring pride in our town and building back better.
This is what the Conservatives in Harlow deliver, lower taxes and more for your money.
Yours ever,
Cllr Russell Perrin
Conservative Leader of Harlow Council