Plans for an historic council tax reduction worth £55 from Harlow Council and major investments to improve the lives of local families have moved a step closer to being approved following the Cabinet meeting held on 27 January 2022.
Harlow Council’s budget proposals will now be debated at the Full Council meeting on Thursday 3 February 2022 after Cabinet agreed to recommend the budget to council.
The budget proposals include:
- A £55 reduction in Harlow Council’s element of the 2022 to 2023 Council Tax bills – the reduction includes a one-off £50 reduction from Harlow Council. In addition the previous planned increase for a Band D house of £5.75 Band D (or 1.99%) has been avoided giving a real benefit of £55
- Planned Council Tax freezes until 2025 - taken with the reduction this year residents will pay £67 less to Harlow Council than was previously planned equating to a £2.1 million tax cut in total rather than a £600,000 tax increase.
- £26 million towards building new council homes for Harlow families.
- £122 million 5-year programme to improve existing council houses and flats.
- £63 million 5-year programme to improve council-owned facilities across the town.
- £6.4 million to enhance the town’s landscaping and environment. This includes £250,000 over the next 3 years for new tree planting projects.
- No cuts to services, but more investment to improve council services for residents.
- More funding for popular community services including Harlow Playhouse, Pets’ Corner and Harlow Museum.
- New Estate Renewal Fund to restore pride in our estates and neighbourhoods.
- A new combined planning and regeneration department to provide focus on delivering town centre and wider regeneration.
- Car parking charges frozen in all Council-owned car parks.
”Today this council is one step closer to agreeing a historic budget for our residents.”
Councillor Russell Perrin, Leader of Harlow Council, said:
“Today this council is one step closer to agreeing a historic budget for Harlow’s residents. This budget will deliver money off Harlow Council’s share of the Council Tax bill – a reduction of £55 for those who pay Council Tax. Never has Harlow Council taken money off a Council Tax bill in this way. We are giving something back to the residents we serve, as well as investing in their priorities.
More services for less money
“I want to make it clear that our proposed Council Tax reduction does not mean cuts to council services. Not one single Harlow Council service will be cut as a result. In fact, residents will receive more from Harlow Council for less and they will receive better services and see investments that will regenerate our town.
Your money, your priorities
“The money the council has is not our money, it is our residents’ money. This budget invests your money into your priorities.
“There will be more money for building council homes, over £120 million to improving existing council houses and flats. More money to improve council facilities including the much-loved Harlow Playhouse. More money to restore pride in our town with landscaping improvements and the much-needed renewal of our estates and neighbourhoods and dedicated focus on the regeneration of the town and Harlow Town Centre.
Being the best place to live
“This budget is all part of us getting on with the job of making Harlow the best town in Britain to raise your family, to live and to be.”
The overall Harlow Council Tax bill also includes charges from Essex County Council and the Essex Fire, Crime and Police Commissioner who set their own levels of council tax. Harlow’s total council tax bill for 2022 to 2023 will be agreed in February at the Special Full Council meeting on 24 February 2022.